Ole Supermarket, Beijing

Additional information and pictures.  I apologise for the poor quality of the photos. I took them clandestinely with my iPhone as the shops did not seem keen on people take photographs.

Other locations:

B203, B2/F, Beijing Shoudu Shidai Guangchang, 88 Xichang Anjie, Xicheng District

电话/tel: 010-8391 5006


Wangfujing/Dongdan 王府井/东单
Xindongan Guangchang, 135 Wangfujing Dajie, Dongcheng District

电话/tel: 010-6512 4855


B1/F, Jinrongjie Gouwu Zhongxin, 2 Jincheng Fangjie, Xicheng District

电话/tel: 010-6622 0461


B1/F, Ginza Mall, 48 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Dongcheng District

电话/tel: 010-8447 7668


B101,B1/F,Shimao Tianjie, 9 Guanghua Lu, Chaoyang District

电话/tel: 010-6587 1509


B1/F, Donghuan Guangchang, 29 Dongzhongjie, Dongcheng District

电话/tel: 010-6418 1006


Wangfujing/Dongdan 王府井/东单
东方新天地商场地铁层BB01A号, Dongcheng District
东城区BB01A, The Malls at Oriental Plaza


Fuxingmen/Financial Street 复兴门
B1, Seasons Place, 2 Jinchengfang Jie, Xicheng District

电话/tel: 010-6622 0389/0491


Product pictures:


sundried tomato tinned tomatoes salami pine nuts asparagus pasta pasta 2 olives, tomato puree olive oil mascarpone dried porcini mushroom cream chocolate cannellini beans