How to dress a crab

This guide will show you how to remove the meat from a crab.

Tools required:

  • cutting board
  • mallet
  • spoon
  • pick or fine knife how to dress a crab 1 twist off the legs


First begin by twisting off the how to dress a crab 2 twist off the claws

Next twist off the how to dress a crab 3 remove the tail

Hold the top of the crab firmly and pull down the tail. Bend it back to snap it how to dress a crab 4 use a spoon to separate the shell

Insert a spoon between the shell and the body to pry the shell off. how to dress a crab 5 separate the body from the shell

Pull the body away from the shell. If you will use the shell, then remove the white stomach sac behind the mouth with a knife. how to dress a crab 6 remove the dead man's fingers


Use your fingers to remove the spongy gills, called dead man’s fingers, along the sides of the body and discard these (they taste awful)! how to dress a crab 7 crack the body in half

Holding the body firmly with two hands, snap the body in half. how to dress a crab 8 remove all the meat

Pluck out the pieces of meat, trying to keep them as whole as possible. If needed, a pick or fine knife can be used to help remove the meat. There may also be brown coloured meat. This can be kept separate from the white meat if how to dress a crab 9 separate meat and shell

After removing the meat from the shell, set the meat how to dress a crab 10 crack the claws and legs with a mallet


Use a mallet to crack the shells of the claws and legs, hitting just enough to crack the shell without damaging the meat. how to dress a crab 11 open the shell to remove the meatPull the shell off to gently remove the meat.