Polenta bianca con scampi (white polenta with langoustines) – Veneto

Polenta bianca con scampi (white polenta with langoustines) -Veneto
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
This dish is healthy, quick and easy and gluten-free. More importantly it is delicious. The slightly sweet succulent langoustine or crayfish are flavoured with slight taste of garlic, wine and olive oil and served in a pool of satisfyingly creamy white polenta.
Recipe type: First Course (Primo)
Cuisine: Veneto
Serves: 4
  1. In a saute pan, fry the garlic in the olive oil until coloured.
  2. Remove the garlic and discard. Add the crayfish and the wine and cook for about 4 minutes. Add salt to taste. Toss with the parsley, if using.
  3. Pour the polenta onto a plate and top with the crayfish. Drizzle the olive oil over top.
  4. Serve immediately.