Salsa di marasche (cherry sauce) – Veneto

Salsa di marasche (cherry sauce) - Veneto
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Categories: Kids, Dairy free, Gluten free, Vegetarian, Quick and Easy
This is a recipe from the Padova area in the Veneto which is typically paired with duck. I also pair it successfully with goose. There is a similar recipe of duck with fruit that can be made with grapes or cherries, pears, lemon and apples.
Marasche are sour cherries which are traditionally used in the sauce. I use more readily available dried cherries and cook them in red wine (I use Valpolicella for its already cherry-like qualities). I then compensate for their relative sweetness with a bit of vinegar which also provides a foil for the fatness of the duck or goose.
Recipe type: Sauces (Salse e Sughi)
Cuisine: Veneto
Serves: 4
  • 200 mls red wine (suggested are an inexpensive but pleasant Valpolicella, Valtellina or Nebbiolo)
  • 60 grams dried cherries
  • 10 mls red wine vinegar
  • 1 bay leaf
  • sea salt
  1. Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan.
  2. Cook until the liquid has reduced by 70% (20 to 30 min). It should be slightly syrupy and sticky.