I must thank many people for assisting me in producing all of this, for ensuring its accuracy and authenticity and for being so generous with their time. Here are some of my personal heroes who have assisted with this endeavour:
Carla Capalbo, an award-winning food, wine and travel writer and photographer (including the prestigious Andre Simon and Veronelli awards) and Italian restaurant consultant based in Italy, has written three definitive food and wine guide books to Italy, Italian cookbooks and contributes to Decanter, Zester Daily and other publications. I would like to wholeheartedly thank Carla for her integrity, honesty, keen insight and guidance. Carla worked on the majority of the Italian regions and the equipment section. I feel very lucky to have worked with her and learned from her. To learn more about Carla, go to:
Julia della Croce is one of America’s foremost experts on Italian cooking, author of 15 Italian cookbooks and Julia Child’s favourite Italian cookbook author. I would like to thank Julia for lending me her vast knowledge and experience on some of the Italian regions and  for critiquing my work. Read more about Julia and her work here:
Richard Ehrlich, a writer for the Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom and the Chairman of the Guild of Food Writers, for his editorial work on my equipment section. Nothing like help from a true professional. For more background on Richard please see:
Beatriz Belfrage, a social media and website guru for, for her copy editing work on my Italian region and ingredients sections. It has been a joy to work with Beatriz and benefit from her insightful comments and detailed work.
Thanks to Tom Harrow of Honest Grapes and Kimberely Drake, both old friends of mine and wine experts, who were lovely enough to edit all my wine writing.
For more on Tom see:
Thanks to Dario Milano for teaching me about light and composition in food photography and inspiring me to keep trying. Here you can enjoy Dario’s beautiful photos:

Special thanks to my husband for being an editor, tasting judge, strategic consultant, and therapist throughout and to my dear friend Romilda Cappato for being like a big sister to me and never tiring of helping me. Here is some information on her current hospitality project and the olive oil her family has been pressing for generations:Agriturismo Le 3 Case, my lovely sweet mother-in-law, Emanuela Tandello, for her editing work and enlisting  friends to assist me, the super-knowledgeable and invaluable Piero Romano, our cousins Andrea di Masi and Cristina Oggero for all their essential insight on Puglia and Piemonte, dear friends Rolando and Giovanna Simonini for their warm and generous hospitality over the years and for enlightening me on the reality of regional differences, Luciana John for being like another mother and for all her valuable input, Teresa Fiorese for her contribution and encouragement. Here is some background on her family’s winery and their recipes: , my good friend Alex Milenov for being incredibly supportive and for introducing me to Melania Sala and her grandmother’s work, Gavotti, Enrina. Millericette. Milano: Garzanti 1965. Print. Thanks to Melania for giving me an insider’s view on Lombardia. To see more on Melania’s event planning and catering activities see here:  and

Antonio Zappacosta, Emerico Mancuso and Eva Munarin Fossati for being kind and insightful, and finally to Salvatore Polizzi and Bruno Piane for taking the time to help out a friend of a friend (me!) and lending me their very specialised knowledge.

Last but not least thank you to all the very talented and generous photographers for sharing their photographs with me under the creative commons license.