MMRS Living a Life in Colour ETIQUETTE

Unpaid and proud

I do occassionally make references to certain products, places, restaurants that I enjoy and can state categorically that I am not paid or have received anything in kind for these mentions. I am completely independent and am only sharing my own humble opinion. There are links in the resources section which receive payment from Amazon. These payments will be donated to World Vision, one of my favourite charities which benefits children.

Nobody likes a bore

The point of this site is to share joy and inspire so any comments which are the antithesis of this are unwelcome and will be deleted. Perhaps you could create your own site dedicated to sharing your vitriol with the world?

The proverbial Egyptian description of a sourpuss is, “He never smiles, not even for hot bread.”

Spam or anything that looks like spam will also be deleted. Really if you tried prosciutto di Parma or San Daniele, you would never consider spam again…

Since this is my site, I reserve the right to edit or delete all comments which detract from the topic, the enjoyment of life. This includes anything hateful, offensive, attacks on other guests, or off topic material. Whew, now that the rules are established, I hope we can start having fun.

In case you need further guidance or a second opinion on netiquette click here.

Never click and tell

We track activity on the site through cookies (not the yummy kind but rather small files containing a string of characters went to your computer by visiting this site). We will never sell any private information provided here including names, email addresses, shoe size, favourite colour, and if you prefer latte macchiato or cafe macchiato with your cookies. We use the information we have to improve the quality of this service and to better understand what you would like to see more of. You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent but then some services and features of the site might not work properly. We can’t have that now, can we?

Those with style do not need to copy

“Fashions fade, style is eternal.” by Yves Saint Laurent

I am all about inspiration and watching and seeing what others are up to in order to reveal our own creativity. That said, there are some people who have not figured out how to unleash their inner self and so instead they imitate by copying in whole something someone else has done. This is plainly tasteless. Those with style know that you express yourself through bits and pieces you find along the way combining the old and new, each with a memory of an experience attached to it. This is what makes each of us unique. Please keep in mind that MMRS Living a Life in Colour in its entirety is copyrighted to protect from the unimaginative. If you believe that we have transgressed in this fashion  (shock, horror) please contact us.

Out to lunch

 If for some reason this blog is not available, I might be busy “researching” various ways to enjoy life….but will be back soon. I promise.

Birds of a feather
In this case, do not flock together. I am not responsible for the content on other sites that readers are led to through links on this site nor am I responsible for the availability of those sites. We all have undependable and embarrassing friends….they are what makes life interesting and unpredictable.