How to prepare artichokes

Select a bowl large enough to hold all the artichokes and fill 3/4 of the way with water and add 1 lemon, juiced.

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Rinse the artichoke and dry to prepare artichokes-1

Starting at the stem end, pull back the leaves and snap off at the base.

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Keep removing leaves until the very tender, light yellow leaves are exposed. Use a paring knife to slice off the green part of the leaves.

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Use a paring knife, to trim the base of the stem.

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Use the paring knife to trim the base of the artichoke where the leaves were pulled off and peel the stem.

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Keep turning the artichoke until the stem is completely trimmed.

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Use a small spoon or a melon baller to scoop out the choke of the artichoke.

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Keep scooping with the spoon or melon baller until the centre part is clean.*

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When completely cleaned, add to the lemon water to keep the artichoke from oxidising.

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*To get just the choke, use the paring knife to trim all the leaves and stem.